
I had a phone call from an animal welfare saying there was a kitten with her mother and siblings on AntiParos, the neighbouring island, and that she was in a very bad way. I was working on AntiParos at the time so I went to find her. I found her and her eyes were completely scabbed over and she was running around blind. She was also half the size of her siblings. I scooped her up and took her home. I never want to take a kitten away from their mother but she would never have survived. I took her home and cleaned her up, her eyes were awful. She had antibiotics and after lots of care and cleaning we managed to keep her eyes but she was completely blind. Her auntie Lisa, who originally found her and called for help as she was on a boat trip in AntiParos for the day, still stays in touch and I send updated pictures of Stevie to her. 
Stevie is absolutely amazing and roams freely around the garden and house and even chases butterflies.