
As I was driving home one day, I passed my neighbour who waved me down to stop. She ran in her house and returned with this tiny kitten with what looked like his chin hanging off. She asked me for help so I took him to the vets. Luckily it was just a flap of skin but it was quite a big gash. I was given cream to help the healing. It healed quite well but some of the skin had died so his bottom teeth are quite noticeable now. 
When we moved to Cyprus he lost a lot of weight so I went to the vets for investigation. It showed he had Coronavirus which meant to start treatment immediately. It's been a long road but he has eventually started to put the weight back on. We had a small blip in the middle when he had a mouth infection and he had to have a few teeth out but other than that he's back to being strong and healthy. 
Chinny is a beautiful quiet boy and is very soft towards you. His favourite habit is to sit and clean your arm for hours. It does become painful after a while lol.