My Aim

I aim to help sick and injured street cats and kittens, to give them a chance in life, and to let them live safely and happily for the remainder of however many lives they have remaining. 


Jerry 26/10/23

Today we said goodnight 🌈 to our Jerry bear. I took him last week to the vets because he was hunched over the water bowl and was refusing food. He had kidney failure. He was put on a drip and medication and I was allowed to con the treatment at home from Monday. Wednesday evening he gave up and just led there so I took him in the morning to let him go 💕 you will be missed 💔💔

Chinny 18/10/23

I’ve been battling with Chinny for a while because at first I thought he had ear mites. I gave him a spot on and was cleaning out his ears but his scratching became worse. I also tried topical cream in his ears and still no improvement. I had a talk with the vets and the advised antibiotics and cortisone. The last picture is after 6 days of treatment and shows a good improvement so fingers crossed it is working. The vet had also said it probably isn’t ear mites but an environmental issue which now I need to figure out what that is. 

Snotbags 15/10/23

Snotbags loves a bit of birdwatching.

Scoffs 28/09/23

Scoffs loves his new best friend 💕🐾

Viper 26/09/23

My viper has finally been caught. She had been around outside my fence since February and in my words ‘stalking me’ lol. I went out to find Stevie to bring her to bed and I saw a large gathering of cats around the gate. I went to investigate with my torch and stick and found her tucked away behind the plank. At first I thought she was dead as the cats were quite blasé walking close or even over her but then I saw her little tongue. I ran quickly to get my phone and called Andreas the snake man. I waited and watched her until they arrived and safely caught her. They either take her to collect the venom or they release her in a safe place for her and humans. 

Bat 22/9/23

Bat had his endoscopy yesterday. Unfortunately nothing was found, no polyps, no tumours, so that now means the only option left is a CT scan. He is a little bit snotty today as he also had his nose flushed and he is also quiet. He also had a long lasting corticosteroid that might hopefully reduce any inflammation. I will be updating the vet within the next few weeks on his condition and hopefully organising a CT scan.

Bat 14/9/23

Bat has gone to the vet to be checked over and booked in ready for his endoscopy next week. This is him at his best sounding like a walrus. 

Squishy 6/8/23

At the beginning of August I noticed that Squishy wasn’t breathing right and he wasn’t eating very much. I took him to the vet and he had an X-ray took. It showed the rib by the sternum was broken. The vet said maybe a car had hit him which is impossible at my house so the only thing I could think could have done it with such force is that he’s fallen off the roof of the house. The vet gave him an opiate patch to help with the pain, he was all glassy eyed for a few days hehe. He was kept confined for 3 weeks, no jumping, running etc, until the rib had fused. I returned to the vet after 3 weeks and all looked good and he was able to run free again. It only took him a week to be back on the roof!

Wonky Donkey 21/7/23

Wonky donkey was having problems eating and her mouth had swollen up. With thanks to Greek Rescue Animal Support Program (GRASP) she had seven teeth removed. She is now so much happier and back to her normal self. 

Gobby 14/7/23

Gobby suffers from sever stomatitis and with the help from Greek Rescue Animal Support Program (GRASP) she was able to have most of her teeth removed and an anti inflammatory injection given to help calm the pain in her mouth. 

Bat 14/7/23

Bat has had his nose flushed which shows there is no blockage, the next step is to have a CT scan to look at his sinuses to see if they can find the problem with his breathing. Thank you to Greek Rescue Animal Support Program (GRASP).